Sunday, July 01, 2007

D.N.O. #1: black jack girl


The ixus is small and unobtrusive, it can be carried around without constantly feeling a need to take photos - so it's ironic that I'm more inclined to use it in town than the big eos. This is me hiding down an alley along Black Jack St. - funny how the lettering in #2 almost looks as if it was added in photoshop. They have neat writing in Black Jack St.
Isn't it a pest when people, trying to be helpful, stop short or hurry away when they think they might get in the photo? It's not like I'm shooting a movie or even taking the grinning old folks huddled together in a ''this is us in cirencester last year'' souvenir photo. Don't second guess me, I can delete the mistakes and I don't really mind making them! But thanks anyway.

D.N.O. #2