So, I bought this donkey yesterday.
Normally I don't take much notice of those flyers that newspaper people slip in between the sections of their newspapers.
I believe they're called flyers because they fly to the floor as soon as you open the paper. And it's a short hop from the floor to the recycle bin which is their destiny - unread.
Anyway, last week this happened and I looked down and this donkey looked up. And it said Buy Me!
So I did. Yesterday, with the convenience of internet shopping and I hope it is going to make someone's christmas a bit special this year.
I don't much like conventional shopping - all that pushing and shoving, never finding an assistant when you want one, beating great hords of them off with a stick when you don't. All that frustration ending in inevitable disappointment. But internet shopping is a boon! In fact, I find it so enjoyable I fear it's addictive...
After I put the donkey in the basket, I looked around to see what else they had and I ended up with a couple of mosquito nets, 50 small trees and a fresh water supply for 50 villagers. But the donkey still remains my favourite.
Of course, it isn't right to brag about your charitable donations, and I wouldn't. If I'm honest, I couldn't pretend to be very charitable. I agree with causes if pressed but I must have a high conscience threshold because without pressure it rarely crosses my mind that people are so much worse off than I would ever know.
The beauty of the
'Oxfam Unwrapped' scheme is it makes it fun - more than an act of slipping a fiver in a tin or buying a ticket for a raffle. Also, the bizarre notion of buying exotic farm animals as christmas gifts just about gives you permission to mention it to your friends in the pub.
And this is a mutual benefit because the more it gets around, the more donkeys will be wrapped up this christmas.
Or camels, or milk cows, or goats...