Sunday, July 30, 2006

hampshire lamp

sometimes blogger image upload misbehaves and i can't fathom out why. okay, the image isn't the logical way up but it's how i want to display it - it's how i took the picture (incidently, sometimes the camera guesses which way is up. if you take a ''portrait'' shot it might correct the image in the viewer. but other times it doesn't. i don't know if this trick is contained in the software but, if so, i wish it wasn't.

it could be the same bug with blogger preventing it from publishing the image as i want it displayed and not turning it the ''right way up''. this took six attempts to get right but i've have to accept it's been archived in an incorrect size. i have learned from experience that there is no word for perfection in the language of IT. :oP


MonkeyLover said...

I have no idea why, but the picture is quite beautiful

Ian russell said...


i guess it's just one of those things.

Unknown said...

excellent photos. The alien one is so cute. I like the angle on the street light.

Babe in the Woods said...

The lamposts' angle makes it look like its from a childs view. It's a beautiful lampost, how high do you think it is?

I love flowers, all of your flower pictures are just wonderful. I love looking at them. Did you have to go far from home to take these pictures?


Ian russell said...

it's a regular lamp post i reckon about about 20ft, though it may have been gas lit originally. it was in the garden of a little place we stopped for a cup of tea and cake, quite a way away.

sometimes i take pictures at odd angles to get more information in or just to try to add interest. :o/

the most recent flowers are from our garden - except the bizzy bee which was the same place as the lamp post.