Monday, April 10, 2006

hey you!

the ixus is a fine camera but the delay when the shutter's released is a tad slow. these buskers on busy grafton street drew the crowds but many more passed by! it's a case of one eye on the subject and one eye casing the street, looking for potential gaps in the traffic... but nothing's perfect! this bloke caught me out.

i just lurve clone brush though. cropping as much as desirable, i'm still left with a bit of toe and most of his hand - but clone brush paints over the offending parts other brushes don't reach and it only takes a minute.

i turned it black and white because i thought it suited - but i'm not sure now. it's a subjective thing... :o/


TheTart said...

I kinda like walking bloke in the pic. Hmmmmmm, maybe slice of a bit more of him... leave half-a-bloke! ; )

The doggies R too cute. I would be such a sucker... be feeding them doggie chew bones by the end of day.

Anywhoo, I like both pics...BW or color...with or without Bloke!

The Tart

Ian russell said...

a moment later a couple of english setters strolled by and the sweet dogs created a right old rumpus! the auld troubles... ;o)

yes, i see your pov; there are two different images - the more 'formal' group portrait and the stolen moment, reality 'snap'. it annoys me i can't tell which is the best approach! and to show both rather weakens each case - it's okay on this blogging thing but what if...?

comments like yours, jocelyn, are much valued! :o)