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the tricycle and the turtle
down the drain. antique shops don't seem to last very long which is kind of a cruel irony for antique dealers. this one's been up for sale for a long time. pity, peering from the street into the dim interior it looks like an aladin's cave of curios.
orange! - from the soup that brought you 'yellow'.
illustration friday's topic this week is feet. yes, i was thinking about it... but nah! just doodling around with some images i took last week - never chuck anything away - i got a card reader to go with the new camera and it's handy for downloading off the ixus while at work; get a useless lunch hour, do a photodoodle. anyway, they're a good band, look out for the album...
originally titled 'intimacy'I know it's not trying that hard but it kind of fits in with the this week's theme at thursday challenge.I was reminiscing over an old pentax camera I have which, sadly, no longer works and I took this through its viewfinder using my trusty ixus400. the camera it's looking through is an me super SLR with a pentax 100mm telephoto. the image is of the ash trees i see whenever i look out the front window.I hope it gets a better response than 'photo friday'. any reaction is welcome - just tell me you hate it! :o)
first light of spring well that's what I call it. :o/no, I haven't posted the same image twice by accident - I see yellow, some see red but we're all equal so this is for the red seeing guys.the reason is I've been recommended a site called Photo Friday which is not unlike illustration friday only for photos, obviously.
first light of spring funny how one purposeful action sometimes delivers unintentional results. i spied the daffs on the table by the window, catching the early sun. i put them on the floor to give the picture a less fussy background by drawing the curtain behind slightly. prostrating myself on the floor - as you do - to get personal with the blooms, it wasn't until i stood up that i noticed the stripe created by the shadow of the table and here's a question i don't know the answer to; the actual geography of the room is the mirror of the image shown but i think it looks better this way around. we favour reading the image left to right, this way we see the flowers before the shadow which makes a better story. reasonable theory or talking bollocks - what do you think?
...and now i've narrowed the options down to one and soon i shall be a single lens relfex photographer again. the ixus is a superb little camera but it has limits - namely the speed and the zoom. i composed this portrait in my mind a few days before i had the opportunity. the ixus let me down slightly on the zoom - i couldn't get close enough and it's at its full extent; i was imagining a crisper profile. oh to distract from that, i colorized some complementaries.
sunblaze the weather's been varied, but one thing's constant: when it's been good, I've been stuck in the office. still, the days are now showing signs of drawing out. this evening's sunset was a magnificient one which i caught driving home from work - unfortunately, my route has few safe and legal stopping places; this is the best i could find before it was too's probably better to regret not getting the perfect image than not getting one at all.