Sunday, February 26, 2006


just curious to see if the ixus could see what I could see looking through the me's viewfinder. it's funny but it worked better than I expected. the only thing you can't see is the little column of numbers at the edge which flicker (when the battery's working) advising which shutter speed works best with the f-stop you've chosen.

Well, I went to the shop yesterday to see several contenders but what struck me most was how cheap and disposable they all felt: I tell you I had to look around to check I hadn't wandered into the toy shop next door and was, in fact, handling the latest Fischer Price. I imagined the salesperson was going to ask me to press this button sir and a yellow and green snake would shoot out! What have we done to deserve this? - it's crapitalism at its worst. As you can see, I got home and dragged the corpse of the pentax out for verification and, even though it no longer performs as a camera, it still feels and operates better than all those new ones do!

Still, I know I'm like this with new shoes and I'm sure I'll get used to it like I do them. So I will bite the bullet but I'm not as excited as I was about it last week. Btw, my ixus has gone up in my estimation as a result - it's a fabulous little camera and it won't be made redundant even if.


Gary said...

I own a 35 year old Pentax K1000 and some lenses. I had it with me in Sudan for most of a year - in the desert, in dust storms, on the Nile - in a war zone! When I brought it home I took it to a good camera shop for a cleaning and tune-up and was told "It's perfectly fine, hardly a speck of dust in it."

I have never been much of a photographer, but I love that camera. (I'm learning digital photos with an Olympus since Christmas).

I sure like your work Ian.

sandra said...

that is beautiful!

none said...

I gave my Ixus to a friend partly to ensure I used the new camera. The Panasonic is very light in comparison with an SLR, and even now I get surprised when I pick it up. It flashes red lights at me but I have no idea what they mean!

Put money in zoom and resolution is my advice.

Gary said...

Ian, you may have sent me a postage address already, but I lost some emails so still need it - to send your prize!

Ian russell said...

gary, i found a piece you'd written about your war zone experience - i'm assuming it's you, your name isn't that common, i imagine. scary stuff, you're a brave guy! yes, i remember the K series, i think - pentax made good cameras back then.

it is all about loving photography; if you enjoy it i'm sure you take excellent pictures! but i appreciate your kind comments, gary - i'm never absolutely sure about my stuff.

Ian russell said...

thanks, Iluvia. it's not a regular photo but i thought it had a beauty too - probably the kind only a father could love. :o)

sqrls, i have invested in zoom (much needed) - the res. came with. though i have heard increased res. is not thought so important at current levels.