Sunday, February 26, 2006

kids are the same the world over

Ever wonder why we have to have kids? Yes, me too! Surely one reason is hope; they give us a perspective of optimism. They are fundementally the same wherever they are.

The image could be technically better - actually, I've cropped it from last time I used it - but I love the subject, the sense of movement, play and fun, and, not least, the story: I was soaked to the skin following several short but heavy downpours and we were sharing the joke. I can never resist studying their different faces and expressions and comparing each of them with someone I went to school with. Because kids are the same from one end of time to the next.


Gary said...

Captures the energy well.

I love the kid with his hand up.

Ian russell said...

yes, he's the natural born leader of the group. i also like the considerate-looking tall guy, the cheeky looking one in front of him, and the slightly bemused guy to the far left. strange to think they're all 20 years older today...