I see blogger has introduced a video insertion facility. Previously, if I wanted to post ''movelets'', I'd have to deconstruct the AVI file from the ixus camera, record enough snapshots and assemble a GIF animation in Paintshop Animation Workshop. I put the inferior quality down to this crude process but now I see it's really down to the camera's inability to record with precision. I really don't know why they bother! lol.
Having said that, I am fond of the concept of ''movelets'', and I'm seriously considering getting hold of a budget digital camcorder to do them justice. Also, I'll need more sophisticated editing software than MS Movie Maker provides - I'll have to get my Christmas wishlist started.
A moment resting our tired pins in Le Musée d'Orsay's main hall, I noticed the ghostly silhouettes passing the other side of the glazing behind the grand clock (the museum was once one of the main railway stations in Paris). It is, if nothing else, a good example of what defines a ''movelet''; recording movement, but not a movie.
It reminds me, in a way, of something which might belong in Jacques Tati's
Playtime. I've also played around with some of the very basic effects provided and the sepia version is quite fetching, a bit
Metropolis, and an edge enhancement filter gave it the look of a line drawing animation. I could play all day if I had the right tools.
All fairness to my little camera, it is showing its age and it was performing indoors with available light. And if you're wondering about the black border, that was the operator's fault. I haven't worked out how to fix the playback to show in portrait mode (yes, because I recorded it with the camera balanced on its side, like a fool!)