Monday, December 12, 2005

the fractal tree

The best bit about blogger is sharing interests, learning stuff and seeing things from new perspectives - ones I wouldn't have thought of myself.

I'm made up because Anne has sent me a version of the fractal tree. I don't know how it's done but it's brilliant! Thanks Anne. :o)

See Anne's beautiful images at A Day in the Life

hmmm, I'm feeling in the mood for some poetry - luckily for everyone I don't know how. Here's a haiku instead which, the way I do them, is more word puzzle than poem. If you don't want to see the results, look away now.

fractal haiku
twigs sprout from branches
sons in their father's image
grand family tree


Anne said...

You're such a character!

DA said...

Fractals are about mathematic order. A tree is somewhat chaotic. Chaos is ordered but the order is infinite.

(what do I know)

Ian russell said...

you are probably right, dimitri! :o)

I went to a restaurant once, called Chaos!. whatever was ordered took an infinite time arriving...