Saturday, January 07, 2006

and another thing...

Yeah! All that song and dance over improving the feeder's stability and now the birds don't wanna know?

So, the truth is: We might be concerned at the perpendicularity of the world but birds just want their nuts, and if the nuts disappear for a mere half a day, the birds off somewhere else for their three squares a day. That's gratitude for you!

Maybe I should introduce a loyalty scheme...

The third and final truth I found is the interesting, though trivial, fact that if you take a photo of your camera in any regular mirror, no matter what angle you hold the camera - say, for that extra lomo-ic effect - the image always shows the camera square and true. Huh! If only it could have a word with the bird feeder...

Although this comes as a frustrating surprise at first (15 seconds tops, honest!), it isn't difficult to work out why. You still feel a bit of a numpty though.

I felt like having an avatar to liven up the top portion of the sidebar, up there with the name and profile bits.

I wanted to include the camera as its responsible for the better part of the blog, hence the mirror. I've now got several bad shots of me and ixus - I'm not keen on self-portraits, but who is? By accident, I attempted to use the unsharp mask to pull it into focus - something the camera wasn't doing too well, confused by the reflected image perhaps. For some reason the unsharp mask was set way up the scale when I turned it on but the effect was really interesting, almost like this lomo stuff.

click all you like, but this ain't a link...

Everything altered, the edges darkened, the hues shifted - but the best bit was the dull grey camera body went almost silver making it stand out more - ah, do I need to explain why I didn't use the flash? The only lighting coming from the bulb on the ceiling...

anyway, it'll do for now untill I get the others sorted...or find a more suitable image.

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