Saturday, January 07, 2006

teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher.

never let it be said that you don't learn anything sculpting with soup.

observant listeners will note that the bird is saying this.

(no, not ''never let it be said you don't learn anything etc.'' what have we been smoking? - go and listen to the clip again!)

so, it's an aide-memoire when out in the field or garden. if you hear singing, demanding the teacher, it'll be the great tit.


Anne said...

Okay, I want whatever he's on.

Anne said...

Oh, the Great Tit! The BIRD. I'm such a dork. I thought you were saying some quaint Britishism.. like "it'll be the cat's pyjamas" "the bees knees"..or something like that. Ok, I need more caffeine.