Monday, January 16, 2006

good neighbours

wherever you end up in this world, it's good to have friendly neighbours. I must say, we've been blessed every time we've put down roots.
I'm not sure what happens in other parts but there's a tradition in England for neighbours to chat over the garden fence, exchange a friendly word or a snippet of gossip - or just look out for one another. Each Sunday at early light, I limber up for my weekly run and our neighbour here pops her head up to see what's occurring - and each time I dash in to get my camera and by the time I come out, she's scarpered! But not this time.


Gary said...

Handsome neighbor. I assume he or she doesn't speak too loudly in the middle of night!

Ian russell said...

if you hear me howlin'
callin' on my darlin'

no, in my experience, the greater the disturbance, the smaller the dog. she's as good as gold, Gary.

Anonymous said...

i say..its a rather decent blog you've got here, leaf.

Well I've opened up the forum with dulcie and Pea...dulcie isn't putting in much by way of input though. I think she'll add a bit of art and photography and i've got littlepants who actually SELLS photos to NME and other rags so i'll see how it goes..


Ian russell said...

it's evolving Daz, though into what i don't yet know.

Anne said...

My dog wants to meet your neighbor!

Unknown said...

Love your photography!! Very nice composition !

Ian russell said...

thanks, alina.

Laura Merwin said...

Damn... how tall is that dog? Just be happy she's on the other side of the fence... nothing scarier than a dog that can look you straight in the eye!
(nice pic!)

Ian russell said...

it's a puzzle for sure, Laura. We can only assume (and hope) that she is standing on some garden furniture.

either that or she's a labrador-daschund cross; the product of some cruel breeding experiment...